Student services

Discover career opportunities in the hospitality and gastronomy sector.

We are a recruitment agency that connects students with top opportunities in the hospitality and gastronomy sectors.


Services we offer

From specialized management training to job opportunities and further educational possibilities – we connect you with the best opportunities in the market.

Management training in the USA


Gain new skills, broaden your cultural horizons, and acquire valuable experiences for your future career. To ensure the optimal program selection that matches your career goals, consult with renowned industry professional Matthieu Mioche. Under his expert guidance, you will gain access to a wide range of options and be able to choose a management training program that not only meets your professional needs but also supports your career growth.



Personality tests are crucial tools for uncovering potential and deeply understanding personality. Working in alignment with your strengths can boost your work efficiency and satisfaction, leading to higher-quality work and a more committed approach over the long term. Our agency offers personality testing using the officially certified MBTI method, helping you identify and leverage your unique traits effectively.

Hosco Job Portal


Explore the right job opportunities in the hospitality sector through the Hosco job portal. It offers positions in every hospitality segment, enabling students to find roles that match their skills and ambitions. Students can directly communicate with employers, track current job offers, and gain valuable insights into career opportunities.

Need more information?

If you’re interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will connect you with someone who can help.

Personality Tests

Personality tests help you uncover your strengths, providing a foundation for your professional success. You’ll discover areas where you excel and learn how to leverage your abilities to reach your full potential. However, it’s not just about identifying strengths; these tests also pinpoint areas for improvement. Try our FREE personality tests to start enhancing your career journey.

16 Personalities (MBTI)


Discover your unique personality type with the 16 Personalities test, which categorizes you into one of 16 distinct types based on four key dimensions. Gain insights into your personality type with detailed descriptions of your characteristics, including strengths and weaknesses. This tool is invaluable for gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, improving relationships, and advancing in your career. Get a glimpse into your personality and unlock ways to utilize your potential better.

How We Self Sabotage


The “How We Self Sabotage” test systematically analyzes thought patterns that trigger negative emotional responses to everyday life challenges. This introspective exploration helps you pinpoint specific saboteurs affecting your work performance, overall well-being, and interpersonal relationships. By identifying the type of saboteur influencing you, you can better understand your automatic responses to various work-related challenges. This insight is particularly vital in a workplace where the ability to respond effectively to challenges is crucial for reaching your full potential and career development.

doplnit - odstranit


Tento test je založen na konceptu Insights Discovery. Jedná se o efektivní prostředek pro pochopení vlastní osobnosti a interakcí s ostatními, což pomáhá jednotlivcům vylepšit své vztahy v pracovním prostředí. Nástroj využívá jednoduchý čtyřbarevný model, který umožňuje lidem identifikovat své silné stránky a  jak přispívají do týmu. Tato typologie pracuje se čtyřmi barevnými energiemi. Kombinace těchto barev vysvětluje, jak lidé vykazují určité chování a proč.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, we collaborate with an international clientele, offering internships that can enhance your skills, including options for English-speaking students at international hotels right here in the Czech Republic. Additionally, we provide management training programs in the USA.

If you’re unsure about how your resume should look, we are happy to guide you through the process or recommend a suitable professional who can help.

Check our current open positions. We collaborate with verified clients and can offer interesting job opportunities, although these are usually for experienced workers in top management. However, you can explore additional opportunities through portals like,,, or

Latest articles and interviews on our blog

We follow the news, inform about upcoming events, and learn about the latest trends in the field of hospitality and gastro jobs.

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