Personnel Agency Dream Job


Our agency matches top talent with available roles in reputable companies.

We specialize in management positions within the hospitality and gastronomy sectors .

From your dream to your first day at work

Job openings from mid to top-level management in the hospitality and gastronomy sectors.


Verified positions in the field of hospitality and gastromy.


Mid to top-level management i


The most interesting currently available job positions on the market.


Individual approach and understanding of your current situation to help you find your dream job.


Opportunity for consulting and comprehensive preparation for interviews and other services.

pavla agentura dream job

CEO Pavla Hodinková

Meet the driving force behind Dream Job Agency

With years of experience in HR, Pavla has been continuously filling open positions for her clients. Specializing in the hospitality and gastronomy sectors, Pavla has cultivated a vast network of top-tier clients and a robust database of candidates. Her expertise lies in steering talent towards transformative roles in middle and top management, helping individuals secure their dream jobs, and enabling companies to assemble their dream teams.

Browse the latest open positions

Für eine renommierte Hotelkette, die über 100 Hotels und 80 Restaurants in 8 europäischen Ländern besitzt und betreibt, suchen wir einen dynamischen und ambitionierten Profi für die Position des Regional...
For a renowned hotel chain that owns and operates over 100 hotels and 80 restaurants across 8 European countries, we are looking for a dynamic and ambitious professional for the...
Are you an ambitious Chef de Partie looking for a new job opportunity? We are looking for an ambitious and passionate Chef de Partie to join the kitchen team in...

What do our customers say about us?


Agentura Dream Job v médiích

Pohovor je jako první rande
Pro Hospodářské Noviny jsme poskytli naše myšlenky a know-how na moderní svět personalistiky, loajalitu zaměstnanců a pohovory jako takové.
Přišel čas změnit dres? Poradíme jak na to…
Cestovní ruch zažívá dekadentní dobu a pravděpodobně i řada z vás bude muset svůj dosavadní obor alespoň na určitou dobu opustit. V rozhovoru pro časopis...
Mystery Shopping, Hotel Nautilus
Paprsky zapadajícího podzimního slunce ozářily po deštivém dni táborské Žižkovo náměstí a my zaparkovali na posledním volném místě jen pár metrů od vchodu do hotelu Nautilus....

Yes, our clientele is also international, so it often happens that the position does not require knowledge of Czech and English alone is sufficient. However, we are mostly looking for bilingual candidates who know Czech and English

You will be invited to an interview if you are the ideal candidate for one of our open positions. This is followed by a series of assessments, including language and personality tests and the verification of references. After these steps, we present you to suitable clients and arrange interviews. We will also prepare you for these interviews and provide feedback afterward. During the probationary period, we are available to address any issues that may arise with the employer. If our clients are looking for a different profile, with your permission, we will store your details in our database and contact you if your experience matches another position.

As a candidate, you do not pay anything for our job placement services. The employer covers the fee. We offer discounted rates if you choose to use additional services like coaching, consultations, and more.

Yes, you can certainly submit your CV even if there are no open positions for English speakers at the moment. We will store your information in our database, and should any future openings match your experience and qualifications, we will notify you. For other opportunities for English speakers only, you can check out

Portfolio of our satisfied clients

Latest articles and interviews on our blog

We follow the news, inform about upcoming events, and learn about the latest trends in the field of hospitality and gastro jobs.

Den dětí v Praze: Kam vyrazit?
Den dětí se slaví každoročně 1. června a je skvělou příležitostí, jak potěšit naše nejmenší a strávit s nimi den plný zábavy....
Mistrovství světa v hokeji a pivo – neoddělitelná dvojice
Mistrovství světa v hokeji je v plném proudu a s ním přichází i neodmyslitelná součást české (nejen) sportovní kultury – pivo. Jak by...
Bidfood Expo 2024
Již za pár dní (od 21. do 23. května 2024) se v Praze na výstavišti PVA Expo uskuteční největší gastronomická událost roku pro...
Interview with Matthieu Mioche, Head of Talent Acquisition and School Relations at HRC International
We have had the pleasure of speaking with Matthieu Mioche, the Head of Talent Acquisition and School Relations in France...
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